Gracie in for repairs


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Lake Saint Louis
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Today was a good day, GRACIE got her new shoes fitted...NITTO 555 are good looking tires...255’s up front look perfect...NEWS FLASH - as the oil change progressed, once drain plug was pulled, it just seemed to trickle out slowly..????....Hmmm...Something was blocking the drain hole....Oh HOW ABOUT A BOLT! Yep, a bolt was determined the culprit. Now time to drop the pan...did so (was able to shine that baby up prior to reinstall) some know I had expressed concern about oil pressure, especially going up hill. Sometimes the oil pressure gauge would fall ZERO...a little throttle would bring it back up... but just did not seem right. Upon dropping the pan immediately it was noticed that the oil pump had spit a bolt from the housing and was dangling around and if this was not discovered, eventually would fall off, become tangled in cam shaft or whatever....probably could for caused a huge damage problem....but I got out my plastic crescent wrench and tightened those pesky bolts...pump now locked and bolted into correct Position. WOW, oil pressure gauge operates perfectly are a few photos...all good now!
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Yes, very fortunate indeed! Ian I think working with that plastic crescent wrench is paying you dividends!!
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Thanks Mike and Mark for your comments of “glad all is well”.... truly was a bit traumatic .... oh well $&$# happens as they say....the new tires are very nice indeed...NITTO’ s RULE....0E6B30BA-A5B6-45E1-8282-4921A2C410A5.jpg